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How To Generate A Fast Downloading File Link

Today's post will solve the problem of generating fast downloading link. Many people have been finding it difficult to generate a particular dowlaodable  file link, most especially people using blogger-blgspot and WordPress to run their blog. A file link can be generated very easy if you follow all my steps. It is as follows;

1)You need to have Google drive apk on your phone and if you don't have it you can download  from play store, and if you have it already Kudos to you.

2)A stable 4G, 3G internet connection.

3) Android note Editor, you can also download it  from play store if you don't have it.

1) Open the Google Drive Apk you have dowlaoded and click on the plus button, an option will pop out then click on Folder and another option will also pop out, now you have click on creat  new folder and name it what ever you want .

2) Open the folder you have created and click on the plus button, an option will pop out then click on upload and it will lead you to your phone SD card for your to choose which file you want to generate it's link and click on it and will  start downloading.

3)When it is done with downloading, you will see a three dotted icon, Click on it and option will be released asking you if you want to share, rename or copy and All the rest of them.

4)Now what you need to do is to click on copy link; eg When you have copied the link you can then past it which ever you want to use it, whether Blogspot or Facebook.

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