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3 Tips for Choosing Quality Home and Outdoor CCTV

CCTV devices have now begun to be used by many people. CCTV devices which used to be more widely used by large companies, now can be applied to private homes and even grocery stalls. It also can not be separated from the price that is quite affordable so anyone can have this device. However, before you buy it, you should consider the following tips.

1. Know the type of CCTV you need

You need to understand that the types of CCTV on the market have different forms and types. This is also tailored to the needs of the users themselves. Some types of CCTV that are sold freely are as follows:

Indoor CCTV
As the name implies that this type of CCTV is designed and made for indoor use. In terms of design, this indoor CCTV has an ordinary display. Generally, the material used on CCTV is not too sturdy so you have to be careful when installing it in various rooms. This is done because in the room is generally very safe so that the use of materail is not too hard.

Outdoor CCTV
The next type is Outdoor CCTV type. As the name implies that CCTV outdoors is designed and designed so that it can be used outdoors. Unlike the indoor version, the type of Outdoor design is more sturdy, has additional protection and has resistance to water. Therefore, you do not need to worry about using other additional protectors because this type of CCTV is already strong enough.

2. Consider the type of infrared camera

Nowadays CCTV is also included infrared as one of the important features when used at night or in a room with minimal light. The way it works itself is that infrared will turn on automatically when the place lacks light. In the infrared mode, the camera can still record images in the dark. Although in terms of features are very useful, but this is back again to your own needs

3. Type of video transmission and picture quality

Currently, the type of video and image quality on CCTV on the market is quite high. There are some CCTVs that already use HD resolution and can use coaxial cable networks. To be able to get CCTV with HD resolution, you need to use an HD camera that has the latest DVR. That is, CCTV that uses an old DVR can not produce CCTV cameras with HD resolution. For the aspect of video transmission that will be used, here are some examples.

Analog CCTV camera
Analog CCTV cameras can also be referred to as CVBS or an abbreviation of Composite Video Blanking Sync. This type of camera is a standard signal format that is often used on analog CCTV. The unit used in analog type CCTV is TVL or an abbreviation of TV Line. The larger the TVL used, the clearer the image produced. We can see the results when we zoom in or zoom. If the TVL unit is large, we can clearly see the small details. For a good analog camera, use the type of TVmal 700 or more. The larger the case, the clearer and clearer the picture.

HD analog CCTV cameras
The next type is analog HD CCTV camera type. As the name implies that this CCTV camera uses a special chipset so that it can produce images that can reach HD resolution. This type of camera can be transmitted on the old type of CCTV network using coaxial cable. Images produced on this type of camera are HD, ranging in size from 720p and 1080p.

Some of the analog HD technology used is as follows.

HD-CVI type
The first type is the HD-CVI type. By using this type of chipset, CCTV cameras can transmit images with resolutions up to HD up to a distance of about 500m.

HD-TVI type
This type of chipset has advantages in terms of clear resolution and without delay. Plus, this camera is able to send images with HD resolution without delay with a distance of 500m.

AHD type
AHD type stands for Analog High Definition. By using this type of camera, you can CCTV cameras that produce HD images. The difference from this type is from the manufacturer's side. In the type of AHD, this technology is made by Next Chip. Whereas the type of camera previously made by Dahua and Techpoint. From the types of cameras mentioned above, you should use CCTV that uses HD reslosi. Make sure the DVR that is used strongly supports HD display.

Those are 3 tips on choosing a durable and good quality CCTV. With the increasingly advanced development of computer networks today, CCTV can also be one way to maintain the security of computer networks in the future. Hopefully this article can be one of the best sources for you.
