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10 practical ways to get rid of depression

  The honest and magical piece of advice which i received, which helped me then, helping me now and I am sure it is going to help me in future as well. I would like to forward it to you.

    "KARMA": the result of good karma will always be good and the result of bad karma will always be bad.

      I got the answer to my question "why me"?
But now another question pops up, what do I do now?  May be I did something bad to someone, that's the reason of my suffering. But how do I deal with it? The answer i got was. ...

      " Involve yourself in work, so much so that you don't get time to feel sad, and think about the suffering. If you do so, you won't be able to know, when your bad time will pass".

2. Don't be judgemental: 

      It's about you and your life, it doesn't matter, what people have to say about you. What you think is much more important than anything else. Don't be harsh at your self. Support your self. 
    It is very important that you support yourself first during your bad times even before someone else come forward to help. 
    No body can help you, unless and until you don't want to help yourself. 
   If you are the one, who is always bothered about people judging you. Then the answer to this is, you stop judging others my friend, charity begins at home. 
   Stop thinking about the things which are beyond your control. Other people and their thinking is beyond your control. So, don't waste your time on that. Let people think, what they want to. What you can do here is don't give any reaction. 

3. Faith :

     Have faith in life no matter what. Never give up on that. Have faith in who ever you believe in. Always remember, the Almighty is watching you. He wants you to be happy because he loves you. 
     So what if one thing doesn't work out. There are several other things out there for you. So what if one door is shut, right on your face, there are several others which are still open or at least not locked, so that you can open it. 
    You just have to look for the right ones and try to open it for yourself. You need to take charge of your life and go ahead, god will help you for sure, because God helps them, those who help themselves. 

4.Listen to your "supersoul ": 

    Remember this feeling when you don't want to go to a party or a function, but it is necessary for you to be there. Any how you got ready and left. 
     In the middle of the road your car broke down. You came out to ask for a lift. Suddenly it started raining. In spite of all these problems, you drag your self to the party. 
    But guess what, that party turned out to be, the worst party you have ever attended. 
   Now  you regret for coming to this party. Here the super soul is trying to guide, the God is giving hints, but we people ignore every thing. We do what we want to do. 
   The above example is just one experience of mine out of the several others. Which made me realize how important it is to listen to our super soul. Listen to it. You will never regret. 

5.Dream big: 

     Have a dream to chase, have big big dreams. Have motive in life. Set goals for yourself. After all these are the driving forces of life. Do it or else life will becomes tasteless. 

6. Health is wealth: 

    Take the steering  in your hand. Routine your life, see what works for you the best. Eat healthy. Take sufficient rest. Exercise at least five days a week for 30 mins. Go for a walk daily. Working out is a great stress booster. Give your self a makeover. Stay fit. Look good. 

7. Heartbreak: 

     Give your self some time. Let this time pass. Get busy with work. Time can heal every wound. 

8. Meet friends and family: 

    Spend time with them. Make them happy. Take them out for dinner, or else cook something for them. Surprise them with gifts, express how greatful you are to have them in your life. 
   True happiness lies in making others happy. 

9.Motivate yourself: 

      Read some motivational quotes, books. See some motivational videos. Motivate yourself. Develop a hobby, take up a hobby class. Learn something there. If not anything else, you will get to socialize with so many people, talk to them, have fun. It's a great stress booster. 

10. Volunteers for an NGO:  

     It's a huge learning experience. We always feel our own problems are the biggest ones. But when we see the real world. That's when we realize, how lucky we are. 
     We are so lucky to have parents, who take care of us, where as there are people who have never seen their parents. 
    There are homeless people. There are people suffering from diseases. Etc
     Help them, the maximum possible way, you can. Support a good cause. Raise voice against bad once. 

Important note: 

      These are the few things, which has helped me a lot, but if things are going out of your control  then seek professional help. 
     However I feel, the best person who can treat you is YOU yourself. Self love and self motivation is the key. The way you can motivate yourself, nobody else can. 
   Life is very very very beautiful. If it's not, then we will make it beautiful, that should be your attitude. 
   Give all these tips a shot, you will surely feel good. Believe me it works. 
   Hope this will help you. If it does, then please comment below, I will love to hear from you.
